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_Charger Robotics Logo BW 8-19 rgb.png
  • This event is a multi-day FIRST Robotics Competition event.  Charger Robotics typically registers for two FRC regionals per year.

    Winning this event through robot performance or key awards could qualify our team for the World Championship Event.

    Date range (trip duration):

    Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 5:30:00 PM UTC

    Seven Rivers Regional

    Sunday, March 23, 2025 at 4:30:00 AM UTC

    La Crosse, Wisconsin

    La Crosse Center

    Harborview Plaza, Front Street South, La Crosse, WI 54601, USA



    Event Guide
  • I'm concerned I'll miss the deadline.

    Permission Slips, Academic Forms, and Competition Fees can be handed to the Advisors at the beginning of practice in the days or weeks leading up to the due date.  You do not need to be present the day the forms and fees are due, as long as we have received them before the deadline.

    If you are unable to make practices, they can be put into an envelope with the student name clearly marked and handed to Ms. Hinytz in room NA100 during the school day.

    Advisors typically provide information and links to paperwork 15 - 30 days in advance.  If you feel there are extenuating circumstances or mitigating factors that will impact your ability to make the deadline, please speak with Advisors before the deadline so that there is sufficient time to identify a solution.


    Cash, Check, and PayPal are accepted, provided they're received before the deadline.

    Make checks out to "Charger Robotics" with the event name in the memo-line.


    The fee helps Charger Robotics cover lodging, transportation, parking, and other event related expenses.

    Students and parents must agree to pay the fee listed, as well as any additional costs that the student incurs in any way related to the trip (including costs associated with an early return for violations of school rules or for any other reason). 

    A Pizza Party / Team Meal will be paid for by the team (typically on Friday night of the event).  Students are expected to pay for their own lunch and dinner meals.  Know your student and work with them to establish a reasonable daily budget.  Cash in-hand and pre-loaded credit cards have both worked well at previous events.

    Links to Forms:

    Families must provide formal permission for their students to travel by signing and acknowledging the extended field trip application and release form.

    Students are required to have all their teachers state their academic grade, attitude "grade", and sign the academic form.

    Extended Field Trip Application and Release

    Academic Form

    Academic Form (Band & Choir)

    Students are invited to participate with the team if they are on the Event Travel List, have completed all required items in the FIRST dashboard, and have turned in all forms and fees on time.


    March 26, 2024 at 11:00:00 PM

    Students will not be allowed to travel if forms are not turned in on time!  Advisors strictly enforce this rule every year.

    No Reimbursement or Refunds

    The student and the parents understand and agree that they are not entitled to
    reimbursement or refund from Charger Robotics of any funds of any type paid on the student’s behalf for any trip changed or cancelled by Charger Robotics.

    If a trip is canceled, refunds obtained from contracted vendors shall be proportionately distributed to participants only if such funds exceed expenses incurred.

    Fees will not be reimbursed to families if they find the trip unsatisfactory, or if they are sent home early.

    Charger Robotics is not responsible for lost, misplaced, or damaged items.

  • Before the event

    All students attending the competition are expected to be at school and attending classes during the school day before our departure.  Students too ill or busy to attend school are too ill or busy to attend our events.

    During the event

    All students attending the event will be absent from school. 


    Students should make arrangements with their teachers to pick up work they will be missing.  There will be time to complete homework while in transit to the event and at night when we return from the venue.  Students can arrange for Advisors to administer tests and quizzes with teacher approval.

    Other Charger Robotics members are expected to continue attending classes.

    After the event

    All students are expected to be at school and attending class following our event.

    Students that do not return to school following this event will not be allowed to participate at the next Competition Event, at the discretion of the Advisors.

  • Students are representing Charger Robotics and Hamilton School District (and in some cases the State of Wisconsin and the United States of America).

    All of the rules in the Charger Robotics Code of Conduct, Hamilton School District Student Handbook, and the Hamilton School District Board Policies apply for the entire duration of this trip.

    NOTE:  Judges and Referees may stay at the same hotel, eat at the same restaurants, and walk the same streets as you.  Mind your conversations and actions, and always keep Core Values and Gracious Professionalism at top of mind.

    Use common sense.  Be respectful.  Behave responsibly.

    There are a lot of concurrent activities happening at these events.

    Advisors and mentors will have a lower tolerance for schenanigans and mischief during this event than they may have had during the Build season.

    Disciplinary Action

    The Advisors are empowered by the District to terminate a student's participation in the event if the student violates any rule in the Student Handbook or School Board Policies.


    The Advisors reserve the right to require the student to return home at any time if the Advisors determine that any person is or will be a danger, poses a safety risk, or for any other reason.  Under these circumstances, the parents will pay any costs associated with the student's return.

    Students may also be subject to further disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion from school.

  • This may be the first time a student has traveled or been away from family and independent for an extended period of time.

    Charger Robotics has included a recommended packing list.  Generally speaking, make sure you plan ahead, have enough items and clothing to remain clean and comfortable, and keep it simple.

    Charger Robotics, Advisors, and Mentors are not responsible for lost, damaged, or misplaced items.  Students are responsible for damages caused by the student to their room or environment.

    Recommended Packing List

  • Schedule subject to change.  All times are estimated based on flow of matches and elimination rounds, weather, and vehicle traffic patterns.

    Schedule may be adjusted to accommodate inclement weather and other factors.

    Event Itinerary

  • Students and mentors will be traveling together from Hamilton High School to the competition event and back.

    Students must ride with the team to events (i.e. they can not arrive or be driven separately).

    If a parent plans to personally drive their students home from the competition instead of with the team, they must complete and turn in the school's parent release form to the Advisors before the event.  The release form is available at the front office.

    Head Count

    The Advisors will conduct a student and mentor head count after each boarding of the bus.

    Students are expected to clearly and professionally announce their - AND ONLY THEIR - presence when called.  We do not want to leave a student behind or unattended.

    Seating Arrangements

    There are no specifically assigned seats on the bus.

    Students are expected to pair up and sit next to one another so that any unoccupied seats are together near the front.  Unoccupied seats are used to transport totes, food, and larger team-owned items that are unable to be kept under the bus or must be accessed during the trip.  Advisors often require open seats to allow for conversations or to proctor tests or quizzes in transit.

    Advisors may assign seats if problems arise.


    • Students and mentors are expected to follow Bus Driver & Advisor directions.

    • No smoking / vaping is allowed on the vehicle.

    • No alcohol is allowed on the vehicle.

    • No glass containers are allowed on the vehicle.

    • Dairy items are not allowed on the vehicle.

    • Students and mentors are expected to act safely and professionally.

    • Remain seated while the bus is in motion when reasonably possible.

    • No illegal or sexual activity will be permitted during any part of the trip.


    Some items are not allowed on the bus due to safety and logistics concerns:

    • DJ stage lighting

    • fog machines

    • laser displays

    • loud music

    • Helium, Argon, and other gas pressure vessels

    • etc.

    Trash & Bio-Waste

    Anything brought on the bus must be taken with you.

    Students are expected to place their trash and recycling in the receptacles provided, and assist with trash collection and disposal at each bus stop.

    Help improve the travel experience by using the restroom before boarding the bus and at our scheduled stops.  The bus does NOT have a lavatory.

  • Room Amenities

    Student and mentor rooms feature 2 Queen-sized beds or a King + Pull-out and a shower/tub combination.  Inform Advisors before the event if you have specific needs.


    Students are expected to be clean and professional each day of competition.

    Students must coordinate with their room mates to establish a shower and bathroom schedule that will allow them to align to the team itinerary.

    Rooms are expected to be maintained, orderly, and odor free.


    • Students and mentors are expected to follow Hotel Staff & Advisor directions.

    • No smoking / vaping is allowed.

    • No alcohol is allowed.

    • Students and mentors are expected to act safely and professionally.

    • No illegal or sexual activity will be permitted during any part of the trip.


    Students may bring DVD's and video game consoles, though we recommend keeping this to a minimum.  Remember to bring appropriate cables and power supplies, and to lock your rooms when leaving. Charger Robotics is not responsible for lost, damaged, or misplaced items.


    Be very careful to avoid safety issues and damage to hotel property when connecting devices and cables.  Room damages will be charged to the students & families occupying the room!


    Students may only view school appropriate content, movies, or shows during the trip.  Advisors have access to channels, movie purchases, and content viewing history of Charger Robotics rooms.

    Activities that threaten the damage to hotel room sprinkler systems or fire alarms, or activities that involve loud noises or significant and time-consuming clean-up are not allowed, including:

    • DJ stage lighting

    • fog machines

    • laser displays

    • loud music

    • air horns

    • a large number of balloons

    • Helium, Argon, and other gas pressure vessels

    • confetti

    • silly string

    • etc.

    Room Assignments

    Students are assigned hotel rooms (typically 4 students per room).  Students may not trade rooms with other students without Advisor approval.

    All team members are expected to be in their room or in the company of an adult mentor / chaperone.

    No student may be in another student's room (regardless of gender) without Advisor approval and the presence of a mentor.

    The Advisors strive to provide a safe and healthy environment for students and mentors.  Advisors will conduct room checks each night near lights-out to confirm the right students are in the correct rooms and that the team is prepared for the next day's activities.


    Advisors are to be granted access to team hotel rooms upon request.  Advisors may search a team hotel room as determined necessary or appropriate without notice or consent of the student or mentor.

    Any unauthorized items found in the room may be removed, confiscated, held for disciplinary proceedings, turned over to law enforcement officials, or returned to the parent/guardian(s) of the student.

    Fairfield Inn & Suites


    Room Assignments

  • The primary location the team will be on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday is the venue and event.  These spaces are often large, with the team spread out between a few different places.

    • pits (pit crew)

    • competition field (drive team)

    • practice field (drive team, pit crew)

    • judge & interview rooms (dean's list and impact team)

    • seats and stands (scouting & spirit teams)

    • sponsor & scholarship areas (all)

    • concessions (all)

    Students and mentors are assigned rotational roles and shifts.  It is important to know the venue and where different roles are stationed.  Students are expected to perform the duties for the roles they are assigned at any given time (you're at the event to work and compete).


    • Students and mentors are expected to follow Event Volunteer & Advisor directions.

    • No smoking / vaping is allowed.

    • No alcohol is allowed.

    • Students and mentors are expected to act safely and professionally.

    • No illegal or sexual activity will be permitted during any part of the trip.

    La Crosse Center


    Harborview Plaza, Front Street South, La Crosse, WI 54601, USA

    Event Website

    Event Guide

    Event Rules

Seven Rivers Regional

Mar 19, 2025

La Crosse, Wisconsin

Mar 23, 2025


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